Cultural Inclusiveness

At Blockhouse Bay Intermediate, we pride ourselves on our inclusive education practices, ensuring all students feel welcome at school and can participate in all aspects of school life. Diversity is respected, and our school-wide practices and classroom programs respond to students’ different needs, skills, interests, cultures, and backgrounds.

At the core of our Kiwi identity lies the New Zealand Curriculum, which strengthens the special character of our school curriculum by celebrating our diverse local community. Our culture is enriched by our diverse mix of teachers, who are charged with nurturing each learner and respecting their unique whakapapa, placing your child, your culture, and your hopes and aspirations for their future at the center of a successful educational experience.

Specific initiatives include:

– Regular community hui for Pasifika and Māori
– Kapa Haka and Pasifika cultural groups
– Mana Wave Wednesdays for student to catch up on work
– School-wide teaching of tikanga Māori and Te Reo
– Celebration and recognition of academic success
– Cultural week as an important celebration in our school calendar
– Cook Island drumming group
– Pasifika Beats
– Bollywood