Sporting life

We believe children of intermediate age need an active and balanced school life. We know that children this age settle into learning better if they start the day with twenty minutes of aerobic rotations. Sport and Physical Education are extremely important parts of the curriculum at Blockhouse Bay Intermediate. During their two years at our school, students will experience a wide range of sporting opportunities. We are privileged to have dedicated staff members and a supportive community passionate about providing enriching sporting experiences for our students.

Sports Coordinator and Sports Academy

Blockhouse Bay Intermediate employs a dedicated full-time sports specialist teacher who drives leadership in sports, coordinates training, oversees fixtures, and manages Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) activities. We are committed to achieving sporting excellence, and our Board invests significantly in our sporting programs.

Fitness Programme

A school-wide fitness programme operates three times a week at the start of the day for 20 minutes. The programme includes a variety of fitness activities aimed at improving students’ aerobic fitness. For hygiene reasons, all students are required to change into the school PE uniform for these fitness activities.

School Whanau Competition

Throughout the year, we have three whole-school events where each whanau competes in Swimming Sports, Cross Country, and Athletics.

Each whanau has a proud history in all these events. Competition among the whanau is spirited, showcasing their dedication and competitive spirit throughout the school year.

Inter – School Sporting Events

A wide range of sports is offered at Blockhouse Bay Intermediate.

These sports include Football, Cricket, Orienteering, Hockey, Volleyball, Netball, Rugby, League, Badminton, Touch, Table Tennis, Athletics, Gymnastics, Softball, Basketball, and Cross Country.

Students are selected for these teams after trials, and they compete either in regular competitions organised by sporting organisations or in the intermediate schools’ western or inter-zone competitions. Teams prepare for these events during lunchtimes and before and after school.

Sports Camps

The school competes at two sports camps at Totara Springs in Matamata. These camps take place in Term Two and Three. Students are selected for these camps and participate in 28 sports over the week.

Blockhouse Bay Intermediate is a member of AIMS (Association of Intermediate and Middle Schooling), and we compete at the AIMS nationals in Tauranga in September. We send several teams to this week-long tournament based on the strength and ability of our teams. Over the last two years, we have sent girls’ and boys’ soccer teams, netball teams, and individuals competing in a range of sports including Tennis, Badminton, Gymnastics, and Table Tennis.